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If you are a licensed therapist, pastoral counselor, coach, pastor or leader at a local church, or a trained volunteer, CareCola is here for you! We exist to support, encourage, and educate mental health professionals and caregivers of all kinds! We do this through our Continuing Education program, Peer Support and Consultation opportunities, and membership in our online network known as the Directory.


Caregiving in every capacity is a divine assignment with many intrinsic rewards. But it can also bring unexpected and challenging seasons. Those who provide safety, hope, and healing for others can find themselves experiencing isolation and even burnout. Peer relationships, skilled support, and opportunities for growth and learning are essential to our success as helpers and our well-being as individuals. Whether you’ve found us while down in the trenches or on top of the world, we invite you to invest in yourself and your clients or care receivers by joining the CareCola community.

Walking alongside the weak, wary, and wounded in Jesus' name while equipping others to do the same.

Our Mission

Continuing Education 

Our monthly Continuing Education events are designed for all those who wish to equip themselves to provide safety, hope, and healing to others. Church staff, caregivers, life-long learners, counselors, and licensed professionals are invited to attend. Register for one of our FREE events today and learn something new, brush up on your community resources, and network with local colleagues.​


If you are a licensed provider, you can purchase CEU hours when you register for one of our events. 

Our Mission
Therapy Closeup

The Directory

The Directory is a listing of like-minded therapists, life coaches, pastoral counselors, and other mental health professionals who seek to honor God in service to their clients and community. 


Joining the Directory gives you a platform to market your services to clients and pastoral staff who are specifically looking for Christian providers.  

Woman Typing
Support Group Meeting

Peer Support and Consultation Groups

Support and consultation are essential components of professional integrity and general wellness. They improve clinical skills, foster meaningful connections, and are vital to self-care and prevention. Our Peer Support Consultation Groups provide a forum to find community while presenting your most complicated cases and challenging questions to colleagues in a safe and confidential environment. 

We Need Your Support Today!

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